Upcoming Sales
This year, 2023, will see a new direction for Bindawarra as we host our first ever on-property sale on Friday September 1st. All rams will be on display in our ram shed on that day. The sale will be conducted via the AuctionsPlus platform from a time yet to be determined. Refreshments will be available on the day.
Detailed information about all rams being offered will be available on the AuctionsPlus website closer to the sale day.
Past Sales
2022 Sale Summary
After careful consideration of the pros and cons, we decided to display our rams at home rather then off-site on sale day this year. We received the top three prices in the overall sale, with local growers buying a poll ram for $9000. For the first time we offered more poll rams then horned rams. Our clearance rate was the same as last year, 64 of 66 rams sold. We again sold via AuctionsPlus.
2021 Sale Summary
We again used AuctionsPlus to sell our rams this year. We sold 64 of 66 offered rams to a top of $5500 and an average of $3027. We are slowly increasing the number of poll rams offered as the aims of our breeding program as being met.
2020 Sale Summary
Due to COVID-19 we sold all our rams using the AuctionsPlus platform with much success. We sold all 51 rams offered to a top of $6000 and an average of $3343. Many volume buyers contributed to the success of the sale. We held numerous inspection days in the lead up to the sale to enable clients to view the rams. The rams were in tremendous condition with the better season.
2019 Sale Summary
We offered rams at both Benalla and Bairnsdale again this year, selling 6 and 32 respectively. Our numbers have been severely impacted by the drought. At Benalla we were awarded Reserve Champion All Purpose Ram and sold to a top of $4000. At Bairnsdale we sold to a top of $4500 three times to all returning clients.
2018 Sale Summary
Following the success at last years' sales, we increased our numbers to allow more clients to buy our rams. We sold all 8 rams at Benalla and received the Best Wool Sale Ram award, with the same ram reserve champion in the All Purpose category. Our rams sold to a top of $3500 to a mix of new and returning clients. At Bairnsdale we again had a total clearance of 58 rams with a top price of $4000 and an average of $2240.
2017 Sale Summary
We decided not to sell rams at Hamilton Sheepvention this year, but offered rams at Benalla (4 rams) and at Bairnsdale (52 rams). The sale at Benalla was very strong with all 4 rams selling for $3000 or above. At Bairnsdale we also achieved a total clearance of 52 rams with an average of $2650.
2016 Sale Summary
We sold for the first time at the North East Merinos sale at Benalla in 2016 and were very excited to win the sash for Best Wool Sale Ram. We also sold rams at Hamilton Sheepvention and at the Gippsland Merinos sale at Bairnsdale. At Sheepvention we sold 5 rams to a top of $2500. All 4 rams sold at Benalla to a top price of $2600, while at Bairnsdale we sold 45 of 46 rams offered, with our top priced ram making $4250, with many new clients purchasing our rams for the first time.
2015 Sale Summary
In 2015, we had poll rams available for sale by a Pastora sire as well as by Bindawarra Poll sires. Horned sale rams were from the Bindawarra 400 family as well as our other stud sires. We sold at Sheepvention (5 rams to a top of $3000) and the Gippsland Merinos Sale at Bairnsdale ( 43 rams to a top of $2600 twice).
2014 Sale Summary
We had successful sales in 2014, selling 5 rams at Hamilton Sheepvention to a top of $2500, averaging $1970 and selling 41 rams at Bairnsdale to a top of $3200, averaging $1320.The 4 poll rams sold very well at Bairnsdale, averaging $1425. We were happy to have several new clients, but also a returning client who purchased some top quality rams.